TAKEOVER TAKEOVER a feature film based on the prize-winning short documentary film by Emma Francis-Snyder and produced by Tony Gerber. The adaptation will be produced by Gerber and Lynn Nottage for Sister with writer Jose Rivera writing the screenplay. Francis-Snyder...
CLYDE'S BY LYNN NOTTAGE CLYDE’S, a comic/dramatic series from Lynn Nottage in development with Sister. Based on her upcoming Broadway play by the same name, CLYDE’S is a new comic/dramatic series from Lynn Nottage which takes viewers inside a truck stop sandwich shop...
AMAZON STUDIOS EVERLASTING YEA! EVERLASTING YEA! feature film (in development at Amazon Studios) written and directed by Lynn Nottage and Tony Gerber. Ellen and William Craft, a newly married, enslaved couple flee slavery in 1848, only to discover that life in the...
E.L. DOCTROW's RAGTIME RAGTIME, series (for Paramount TV Studios and DeLaurentis Productions) Based on the E. L. Doctorow, novel, Ragtime the series written and created by Lynn Nottage & Tony Gerber tells the gripping story of a multicultural group of inventors,...